January 29, 2009


Ok, another try. If I can't get consistent this time I'm going to just let it go.

Today's workout was another adapted from the Mountain Athlete site. This one came from their new, Military/Tactical section. This is a great work capacity workout and the inner tube sandbag was perfect for it. However, a fair amount of the sand that went into it was damp, so it is ROCK HARD frozen in the garage. I got some extra work in by slamming the tube on the ground a la ball slams to soften it up.

Warm-Up: (5 Rounds)
3x DOT Drill
5x Dips

Dot Drill here:

(1) 100x Sandbag Get-Ups @ 50# (Took me about 25 min)

(2) 5 Rounds
5x Pull-Ups
15x Push-Ups

Simple and effective. My core will be wrecked from the Get-Ups tomorrow.

January 14, 2009

Back on Track

Getting it all back together and hoping to keep the blog updated now.

Yesterdays workout adapted from Mountain Athlete

Warm Up:
4 Rounds
3x TGU @ 50#
5x Burpees

(1)5 Rounds
10x Dead Lift (Ascending Weight)Final set @ 275#
5ea Db Clean and Press @ 60#
10x Weight Sit ups @ 40#

(2)5 Rounds
5x Chin Ups
5x Push Press (ascending Weight) Finished @ 115#
3x Scarecrows @ 10#

(3) 5 Rounds
10x 24" Box Jumps
5ea Russian Twist @ 20#

October 3, 2008


Took a rest day today. Going to get 4 days in a row starting Friday.

Saturday is going to be a puke fest, I'm sure.


I finally found some guys who are giving up on the big box gym as well. Turns out one of them even has a big tire that will be getting flipped on Saturday. I'll be bringing the sandbag and the drag tire along for that one as well. It's going to be like a co-op of suffering.

Here's what we did on 10/1

Ran about a mile at a good clip. Incorporated backwards running and shuffles into the mix.

(1) Relay for 10 min.
Farmers carry, 15M @ 2X90# DB
Fire hose carry 15M (hose too light, I carried overhead instead of shouldered)

(2) Relay for 10 Min.
Thrusters @ 75# x (anywhere from 6-10) I did 8
Chin-ups x 4 (Not sure what anyone else did)

(3) Relay for 5 min
Fireman Carry partner
10 Burpees


10x Burpees
30M Farmer Carry @ 2x70# fat DB

10x100M sprints

30/30 Switch steps with band (Blue)
30/30 Split Jumps with band (Blue)

V-ups x15
Bird Dogs x10ea
Side Bends @ 70# x8ea
Flutter Kicks (4 count) x10


Overhead Squat @ PVC

Tabata Circuit
Repeat 4x Through
Med Ball Slams
Lateral Jumps over Med Ball
Mountain Climbers
High Knee DB Press
Jumping Jacks
Band Pulls

Overhead Sandbag Hold @ 100#


Deck of Cards

Knee Hugs