October 3, 2008


I finally found some guys who are giving up on the big box gym as well. Turns out one of them even has a big tire that will be getting flipped on Saturday. I'll be bringing the sandbag and the drag tire along for that one as well. It's going to be like a co-op of suffering.

Here's what we did on 10/1

Ran about a mile at a good clip. Incorporated backwards running and shuffles into the mix.

(1) Relay for 10 min.
Farmers carry, 15M @ 2X90# DB
Fire hose carry 15M (hose too light, I carried overhead instead of shouldered)

(2) Relay for 10 Min.
Thrusters @ 75# x (anywhere from 6-10) I did 8
Chin-ups x 4 (Not sure what anyone else did)

(3) Relay for 5 min
Fireman Carry partner
10 Burpees

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