June 25, 2008

R and R

Took Sunday (6/22) off as a rest day. The sad thing was that on Monday I woke up and my legs were ruined. The temptation then hits me, as always, to take another day off. However, if I have learned one thing in the last year it’s that a good GPP or MetCon workout will go a long way to speeding recovery. So I took a basic GPP workout from Ross Enamait’s book Infinite Intensity.

Warm Up:

Jumping Jacks
High Knee DB Press
Med Ball Slams (instead of Heavy Bag work)

30 seconds each
5x through, no rest

Core Work:
6x Knees to Elbows
12x Supermans
High Rep Chinnies

4x through

Plank Hold for time

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